Image editingWith so many of us with cameras in our pockets at all times, the need to crop, touch-up and fix images is one that has become indispensable. After all, mistakes will be made and it’s not always possible to go back and retake a photo.

Also, messing with images can be tremendous fun. There are many programs available to use and here are some of the best.


The daddy of them all. Since the release of the first version in 1988 it has grown to become the de-facto standard for professional image editing – to the point where the phrase “That’s been photoshopped” has become shorthand for any image that has been manipulated. Its powerful features ensure that anything can be done to an image. This power comes at a cost though – it has a steep learning curve as well a hefty price.


When it comes to free image editing software there is none finer. Often compared to Photoshop the Gnu Image Manipulation Program does try its best to live up to Photoshop and only fails in a few departments. If you want power but don’t want to pay for it The GIMP is where it’s at.


If getting ensnared in intricacies is not for you then you might want to consider Picasa. Simple to use yet deceptively powerful it integrates image manipulation with picture organizing and online sharing, with the added bonus of being freeware since being acquired by Google in 2004.

Sumo Paint

Maybe you don’t want the hassle of downloading and installing a program to do your image editing. Maybe you want to be able to do it on the go. If so it may be worth checking out Sumo Paint – A fully featured image manipulated program available to use in your web browser. As an added bonus you don’t even have to create an account to use it, although if you do it allows you to save your images on the website. It’s free to use although if you do find it indispensable you might want to consider signing up to the pro version for $29 a year.

Picture: NilsZ – Fotolia

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